Conference of the States Parties
Non-Governmental Organisations

Civil society and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) advocate for a world free of chemical weapons and contribute to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

CSP-29: 25 – 29 November 2024

World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands

Apply for NGO Accreditation

NGOs must apply for accreditation to attend the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CSP-29) in person.

How NGOs can participate at the Conference:

  • Attend plenary sessions of the Conference
  • Host and attend side events
  • Hold exhibitions and information stands
  • Submit statements for publication on the CSP-29 documents page

Representatives of NGOs also deliver statements to the Conference from the podium during a one-hour speaking opportunity. The list of speakers is coordinated by the Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition.

The application process for NGOs to attend CSP-29 closed on 1 September 2024. 


How to apply

Details of the NGO

All information on the application must reflect the correct contact details and information related to the work of the NGO.

Activities related to the Chemical Weapons Convention

NGOs must clearly demonstrate activities or publications related to the Chemical Weapons Convention completed in the last 12 months. 

List of participants

NGOs must submit a list of participants through the application form. The list of participants may include a maximum of five representatives and must include their full names and dates of birth entered exactly as in their passports.

Application process

NGO application

  1. Complete one application form per NGO before 1 September 2024.
  2. Applications will be reviewed by the Technical Secretariat to ensure they are complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
  3. After the deadline, the Technical Secretariat will compile the details of all the eligible applications for the General Committee to consider. 
  4. Applications will be reviewed and decided upon by the General Committee of the Conference. 
  5. The Technical Secretariat will inform NGOs of the General Committee’s decisions and facilitate the participation of approved NGOs at the Conference. 

Participant registration

  1. Representatives of approved NGOs will be invited to provide required information to the Technical Secretariat to participate in the Conference and collect badges. 

More information 

Application decisions

Application decisions are made by the General Committee and are expected to be communicated by late September or early October by email from the Technical Secretariat. This is intended to allow for sufficient time for approved applicants to make travel and visa arrangements. Applicants are advised not to arrange travel without receiving a written confirmation from the OPCW.

What is the General Committee? 

A General Committee is appointed at each session of the Conference of the States Parties (including Review Conferences) and is made up of delegates from Member States representing each geographical region. The General Committee is responsible for considering the agenda of the Conference and for matters related to its organisation (see Rules 41-43 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the States Parties, C-I/3/Rev.2, dated 8 April 2013).  

The General Committee is responsible for reviewing applications for NGO attendance and participation. The Technical Secretariat compiles the details of NGOs applying for to participate and attend the Conference and submits the list for “vetting by States Parties through the General Committee”. Following the decision of the States Parties, the General Committee will notify the Technical Secretariat of which NGOs have been recommended to participate in the Conference (see Guidelines for Future Attendance and Participation by Non-Governmental Organisations.) 

Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition

The Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition (CWCC) is an umbrella group for civil society organisations working for a full and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

For more information, contact the CWCC.

Financial Support

Limited/partial financial support to participate may be available for NGOs based in countries with developing or transitioning economies. Eligible applicants can express interest for consideration for financial support in the application form.

Conference Livestream

For NGOs who are unable to attend in person, the Conference will be livestreamed and viewable online. No application or registration is required to access the livestream. It will be available on the OPCW website and advertised on the Organisation’s social media channels.