National Authorities and/or governmental representatives responsible for chemical safety and security management, representatives from chemical industry associations, and managers involved in chemical industry safety and security and in Responsible Care® are invited to submit applications for a seminar on the CWC and chemical safety and security management for Member States in the Asia region, to be held at the Doha Regional Centre for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear.(CBRN) Training in Doha, Qatar, from 26 to 28 February 2019.
The seminar promotes international cooperation programmes that focus on chemical industry outreach and industry-related aspects of the implementation of Article XI of the Convention.
Objectives of the Seminar
- provide an opportunity for participating States Parties to consider and discuss specific chemical safety and security management issues related to chemical processes that have a direct bearing on the effective implementation of the Convention
- contribute to the sharing of information and the exchange of experiences on the practical implementation of chemical safety and security management programmes
- review best practices in regard to the safety and security management of chemicals and generate, through interactions and discussions, recommendations on the structure for future standardised seminars to promote these practices in small and medium-sized enterprises in Asian countries
- foster wider cooperation between States Parties on issues related to the chemical industry in order that the objectives of Article XI of the Convention (promoting the peaceful uses of chemistry) can be achieved
- enhance and promote the safe handling of chemicals at the national level