Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties



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Notes by the Director-General

Document Symbol Title Date
C‑25/DG.22 Opening Statement by the Director-General to the Conference of the States Parties at its Twenty-Fifth Session 20 April 2021
EC‑95/DG.3/Corr.1 C‑25/DG.4/Corr.1 Report by the Director-General: Financial Statements of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Report of the External Auditor for the Year Ending 31 December 2019 8 April 2021
C‑25/DG.19 Opening Statement by the Director-General to the Conference of the States Parties at its Twenty-Fifth Session 30 November 2020
C‑25/DG.14 Note by the Director-General: Engaging the Chemical Industry Associations 12 November 2020
C‑25/DG.15* Note by the Director-General: Summary of Nominations for External Auditor of the OPCW 12 November 2020
EC‑95/DG.10/Corr.1 C‑25/DG.8/Corr.1 Report by the Director-General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020: Additional Measures for States Parties that Possess Industrial Facilities which are Declarable Under the Convention-Corrigendum 2 October 2020
EC‑95/DG.9/Corr.1 C‑25/DG.7/Corr.1 Report by the Director-General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020: Article VII - Initial Measures - Corrigendum 2 October 2020
EC‑95/DG.8/Corr.1 C‑25/DG.6/Corr.1 Report by the Director-General: Overview of the Status of the Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020 - Corrigendum 2 October 2020
EC‑95/DG.20 C‑25/DG.12 Note by the Director-General: Annual Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention During the Period from 16 August 2019 to 15 August 2020 25 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.21 C‑25/DG.13 Note by the Director-General: Cash Situation and the Use of the Working Capital Fund for the Financial Year to 31 August 2020 25 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.11 C‑25/DG.9 Note by the Director-General: The Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa on the Chemical Weapons Convention 10 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.9 C‑25/DG.7 Report by the Director-General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020: Article VII - Initial Measures 4 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.10 C‑25/DG.8 Report by the Director-General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020: Additional Measures for States Parties that Possess Industrial Facilities which are Declarable Under the Convention 4 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.8 C‑25/DG.6 Report by the Director-General: Overview of the Status of the Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2020 4 September 2020
EC‑95/DG.5 C‑25/DG.5 Note by the Director-General: Report on Status of Implementation by States Parties of Agreed Multi-Year Payment Plans 25 August 2020
EC‑95/DG.3 C‑25/DG.4 Report by the Director-General: Financial Statements of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Report of the External Auditor for the Year Ending 31 December 2019 17 August 2020
EC‑94/DG.10 C‑25/DG.3 Note by the Director-General: Transfers of Funds During 2019 19 June 2020
EC‑94/DG.4 C‑25/DG.2 Note by the Director-General: Annual Report of the Office of Internal Oversight for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019 24 April 2020

Video National Statements – High-ranking Officials

Watch CSP-25 National Statements delivered by high-ranking officials

National Statements

Document Symbol Title Date
Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at Part II of the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Exercise of the Right of Reply (Russian) 30 April 2021
Ireland: Statement by Mr Frank Groome, Head of Multilateral Affairs for Ireland at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 30 April 2021
Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at CSP-25 Explanation of the Vote on the Draft Decision Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic (Russian) 30 April 2021
San Marino: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Eros Gasperoni Permanent Representative of San Marino to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 22 April 2021
South Africa: Statement by the Delegation of South Africa to the OPCW at CSP-25 Explanation of the Vote on the Draft Decision Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic 22 April 2021
The Netherlands: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Paul van den Ijssel Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.113 India: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of India to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties - Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision “Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic” 21 April 2021
Morocco: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Abdelouahab Bellouki Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to OPCW at CSP-25 Explanation of the Vote on the Draft Decision Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.110 Islamic Republic of Iran : Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(c) 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.121 Mexico: Statement by Minister Mauricio Torres Córdova Alternate Permanent Representative of the United States of Mexico to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on the Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision Entitled “Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic” (C-25/DEC/CRP.10, dated 25 November 2020) 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.115 Cuba: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soraya Álvarez Núñez Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cuba to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on Addressing the Threat of the Use of Chemical Weapons under Agenda item 9(d) 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.108 Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties - Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision “Addressing The Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic” 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.106 State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision “Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic” 21 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.114 Pakistan: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties - Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision “Addressing the Possession and Use of Chemical Weapons by the Syrian Arab Republic” 21 April 2021
France: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Luis Vassy Permanent Representative of the French Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) (French) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.93 Lithuania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vidmantas Purlys Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.101 New Zealand: Statement by Ms Kerry Gillam-O’Connor Deputy Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.109 Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Exercise of the Right of Reply to the Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.122 San Marino: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Eros Gasperoni Permanent Representative of the Republic of San Marino to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.126 Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.86/Rev.1 Joint Statement on Behalf of Fifty-Nine Member States of the OPCW Delivered by the Delegation of the Czech Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.96 Germany: Statement by the Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in exercise of the Right of Reply to the Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.103 Statement on behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Marjolijn Van Deelen Special Envoy for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of The States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.116 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.117 Estonia: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Estonia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.99 Poland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Marcin Czepelak Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.107 Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by H.E. Mr Mohsen Baharvand Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Legal and International Affairs to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.56/Rev.1 Cuba: Report Addressed to the Conference of the States Parties at its Twenty-Fifth Session on Fostering International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes in the Field of Chemistry Agenda item 18 20 April 2021
Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.94 Lithuania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vidmantas Purlys Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.102 Statement on behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Marjolijn Van Deelen Special Envoy for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.127 Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Explanation of Vote on Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
France: Statement by the Delegation of the French Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) (French) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.97 United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Joseph Manso Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.105 Romania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lucian Fătu Permanent Representative of Romania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.125 Cuba: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soraya Álvarez Núñez Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cuba to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on the Fostering of International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes in the Field of Chemical Activities (Agenda item 18) 20 April 2021
Russia: Joint Statement by the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization at the Second Part of the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.82 Kenya: Statement on Behalf of the African Group of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Lawrence Lenayapa Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the OPCW at CSP-25 under Agenda item 20 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.92 Norway: Joint Statement on behalf of Forty-Six Member States of the OPCW delivered by H.E. Ambassador Bård Ivar Svendsen Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Norway to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.98 United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Joseph Manso Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.118 France: Statement by the Permanent Representation of the French Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.124 Russian Federation: Statement on behalf of the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Delivered by the Russian Federation at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.95 Brazil: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Paulo Roberto Caminha De Castilhos França Permanent Representative of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.104 Holy See: Statement by the Delegation of the Holy See to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.111 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by the Delegation of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.119 France: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Luis Vassy Permanent Representative of the French Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.100 Poland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Marcin Czepelak Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.123 Estonia: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Estonia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9(d) 20 April 2021
Canada: Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Lisa Helfand Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) 19 April 2021
C‑25/NAT.48 Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Exercise of the Right of Reply 19 February 2021
Malaysia: Statement by Dr. Mohd Norhisyam Mohd Yusof, Chargé d’Affaires Permanent Representation of Malaysia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 11 December 2020
Armenia: Statement by H.E. Tigran Balayan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the OPCW in response to the Statement of the Permanent Representation of Azerbaijan at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 7 December 2020
State of Palestine: Statement in Support for the Delegation of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 2 December 2020
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine, Response to a Statement made by the USA regarding the Appointment of the Credentials Committee at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 2 December 2020
Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Attendance and Participation of Non-Governmental Organisations at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties 2 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.9 Cuba: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Cuba to the OPCW in Support of the Credentials of the Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.81 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the OPCW at the CSP-25, Right of Reply to the Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to OPCW 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.90 Venezuela: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at CSP-25 Explanation of Vote on the Adoption of the Programme and Budget 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.76 State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Justification of the Vote on Agenda Item Thirteen: the Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2021 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.88 Bolivia: Statement by the Delegation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Support of the Credentials of the Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 1 December 2020
Islamic Republic of Iran: Explanation of the Vote by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Decision on the Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2021 at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.8 Cuba: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soraya Álvarez Núñez Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cuba to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Explanation of the Vote on the Draft Decision 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.80 United States of America: Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Regarding the Illegitimacy of the Maduro Regime in Venezuela 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.89 Venezuela: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at CSP-25 in Response to the Statement of the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW 1 December 2020
C‑25/NAT.14 Czech Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kateřina Sequensová Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.29 France: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Luis Vassy Permanent Representative of the French Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.26 India: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Venu Rajamony Permanent Representative of the Republic of India to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.37 Ghana: Statement by Mr Mohammed Habib Idris Acting Head of Mission and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Ghana to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.57 Denmark: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jens-Otto Horslund Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Denmark to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.66 Nigeria: Statement by Mr Otaigbe Michael Irusota Counsellor Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.70 Russian Federation: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.73 Joint Statement by the Delegations of Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, and Peru to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.84 United States of America: Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW at CSP-25 in Exercise of the Right of Reply to the Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.16 Kenya: Statement on behalf of the African Group of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention delivered by H.E. Ambassador Lawrence Lenayapa Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.21 Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Gudrun Lingner Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.30 Ireland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kevin Kelly Permanent Representative of Ireland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.41 Senegal: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Momar Gueye Permanent Representative of the Republic of Senegal to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.46 Peru: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Marisol Agüero Colunga Permanent Representative of the Republic of Peru to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.58 Iraq: Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.78 Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on the Attendance of the Israeli Regime 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.10 New Zealand: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lyndal Walker, Permanent Representative of the New Zealand to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.19 Slovenia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sanja Štiglic Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.24 Malta: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr Mark Anthony Pace Permanent Representative of the Republic of Malta to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.34 Finland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Päivi Kaukoranta Permanent Representative of the Republic of Finland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.43 Colombia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Álvaro Andrés Motta Navas Permanent Representative of the Republic of Colombia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.53 Holy See: Statement by the Delegation of the Holy See to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.68 Venezuela: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.75 Russian Federation: Statement on behalf of the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
Poland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Marcin Czepelak, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.13 People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of the People's Republic of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.33 Switzerland: Statement by H.E. Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn Permanent representative of the Swiss Confederation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.27 Estonia: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Estonia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.38 Luxembourg: Statement by Mr Jean-Marc Hoscheit Permanent Representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.47 Morocco: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Abdelouahab Bellouki Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.60 Indonesia: Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.64 Eswatini: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sibusisiwe Mngomezulu Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Eswatini to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
North Macedonia: Statement of North Macedonia by Mr Toni Pavloski, Director for Multilateral Relations and Security Cooperation at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.17 Turkey: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Şaban Dişli Permanent Representative of the Republic of Turkey to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.23 United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Joseph Manso Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.31 Republic of Korea: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Yeondoo Jeong Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.42 Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lisa Helfand Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.49 El Salvador: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of El Salvador to the OPCW at the Twenty Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.52 Lithuania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vidmantas Purlys Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.61 Jamaica: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sheila Sealy Monteith Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.79 Islamic Republic of Iran: Statement by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Support of the Credentials of the Delegation of Venezuela 30 November 2020
Viet Nam: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Pham Viet Anh, Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.12 Ukraine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vsevolod Chentsov Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.22 Mexico: Statement by Mr Mauricio Torres Córdova Minister and Alternate Permanent Representative of the United Mexican States to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.25 Sweden: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Annika Markovic Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Sweden to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.36 Bangladesh: Statement by H.E. Ambassador M Riaz Hamidullah Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.44 Uruguay: Statement by the Delegation of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.65 Slovakia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Juraj Macháč Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.69 Paraguay: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Rigoberto Gauto Vielman Permanent Representative of the Republic of Paraguay to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.74 Azerbaijan: Statement on Behalf of the Non-aligned Movement and China delivered by H.E. Ambassador Fikrat Akhundov Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
Armenia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Tigran Balayan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.15 Chile: Statement by Mr Jaime Moscoso, Minister Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of the Republic of Chile to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.35 United Arab Emirates: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr Hissa Abdulla Alotaiba Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.28 Thailand: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Eksiri Pintaruchai Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Thailand to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.40 Albania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Adia Sakiqi Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.45 Costa Rica: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Costa Rica to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.54 Spain: Statement by the Delegation of the Kingdom of Spain to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.59 Saudi Arabia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah Abohaimed Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.67 Cuba: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soraya Álvarez Núñez Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cuba to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.71 Joint Statement by 29 Delegations of Albania, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, et. al. to the OPCW at CSP-25 on the Aerosolised use of Central Nervous System-Acting Chemicals for Law Enforcement 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.77 United States of America: Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Regarding Disassociation from Consensus of the Credentials Committee 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.18 Austria: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Astrid Harz Permanent Representative of the Republic of Austria to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.39 Syrian Arab Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.32 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by Baroness Annabel Goldie DL Minister of State in the House of Lords of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland at CSP-25 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.50 Ecuador: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andrés Terán Parral Permanent Representative of the Republic of Ecuador to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.51 Singapore: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jaya Ratnam Permanent Representative of the Republic of Singapore to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.63 Angola: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Maria Isabel De Resende Encoge Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.62 Panama: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Elizabeth Ward Neiman Permanent Representative of the Republic of Panama to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.72 South Africa: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of South Africa to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 30 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.83 Azerbaijan: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Fikrat Akhundov Permanent Representative of the Azerbaijani Republic to the OPCW at CSP-25 in Exercise of the Right of Reply to the Delegation of the Republic of Armenia to the OPCW 29 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.85 Turkey: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Turkey to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Response to the Statement of the Republic of Armenia 29 November 2020
Myanmar: Statement by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Soe Lynn Han, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the State Parties 28 November 2020
Israel: Statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Naor Gilon, Embassy of the State of Israel, at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 27 November 2020
Armenia: Statement on behalf of the Group of Member States of the International Organization of Francophonie (French) 27 November 2020
Philippines: Statement of the Delegation of the Republic of the Philippines to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties 27 November 2020
Italy: Statement by the Delegation of Italy to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 27 November 2020
The Netherlands: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Paul van den Ijssel, Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 27 November 2020
C‑25/NAT.7 People's Republic of China: Update on the Progress Towards the Completion of Destruction of Chemical Weapons Abandoned by Japan on the Territory of China 27 November 2020
Russia: Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in Support of the Credentials of the Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 27 November 2020
Honduras: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Roberto Ochoa Madrid, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Honduras to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Spanish) 27 November 2020
State of Palestine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Rawan Sulaiman, Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties 27 November 2020
Norway: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Bård Ivar Svendsen, Permanent Representative of Norway to the OPCW at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 26 November 2020
Australia: Statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Matthew Neuhaus Permanent Representative of Australia to the OPCW at the Twenty Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 25 November 2020

International Organisations

Chemical Industry

NGO Video Statements

Watch video statements submitted by civil society and NGO participants at CSP-25. 


Title Date
Association of Supporting Victims of Chemical Weapons (ASVCW): Statement by Mr. Seyed Kamal Loh Mousavi at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM): Statement by Mr. Terrance P. Long at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Mayors for Peace: Statement by Mr Khder Kareem at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Center for International Security Studies and Strategic Research, MEF University: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
University of Bradford and the Omega Research Foundation: Statement by Dr Michael Crowley at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Kentucky Environmental Foundation: Statement by Mr. Craig Williams at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), India: Statement by Dr. Ajey Lele at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
VERTIC - Verification Research, Training and Information Centre: Statement by Ms. Yasemin Balci at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
CBRNe Society : Statement by Ms. Anna Paternnosto at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Association for the Defence of Chemical Injuries in the Fars Province (SCWVSF): Statement by Mr Mohammad Ali Hajipour at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Arms Control Association and Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A: Statement by Ms. Irene Kornelly at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Pakistan House: Statement by Muhammad Athar Javed, PhD. at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Ms. Maria Jose Espona at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI): Statement by Dr Maria Sultan at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
The Harvard Sussex Program: Statement by Mr Alexander Ghionis at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Kurdish Organizations Network Coalition for the International Criminal Court (KONCICC): Statement by Mr Sarkout Mahmoud at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
United Services Institution of India: Statement by Dr Nivedita Das Kundu at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Istanbul University: Statement by Dr. Sadik Toprak at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
Rutgers University (Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological Weapons Control): Statement by Marie Isabelle Chevrier, PhD at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020
American Public Health Association (APHA): Statement by Dr. Deborah Klein Walker at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of the States Parties 24 November 2020