Speeches and Statements

Title Delivered By Publication Date
“Abolishing Chemical Weapons: 20 Years On” Lecture by Director-General Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü At Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar 23 October 2016 Director-General
Lecture by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the University of Dhaka Director-General
Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr Ahmet Üzümcü, OPCW Director-General Regional Seminar on Chemical Safety and Security Management Dhaka, Bangladesh Director-General
Speech to Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General OPCW Dhaka, Bangladesh Director-General
Lecture delivered by Ahmet Üzümcü, OPCW Director-General Korea National Diplomatic Academy Director-General
The OPCW's Mission and Role for International Peace and Prosperity Address to Students at Hankuk University Director-General
Chemical Weapons: New Threats and Ongoing Challenges Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General of the OPCW Fifth Seoul Defense Dialogue Director-General
Preventing the Re‐Emergence of Chemical Weapons: Lessons for Non‐Proliferation - Keynote Speech at the Opening of the Asser Summer Programme Deputy Director-General
Remarks at Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research Annual Retreat, Bad Nauheim, Germany Director-General
Remarks to Formal Open Consultations of the Committee on the 2016 Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of Resolution 1540 Deputy Director-General
Remarks to Seminar on Chemical Trade: Current Practices and Challenges, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China Deputy Director-General
Keynote Speech 19th International Chemical Weapons Demilitarisation Conference (CWD) Director-General
Remarks to Symposium on Women in Chemistry Director-General
Opening Remarks at the Chemical Safety and Security Management Workshop for North Africa, Middle East and Gulf Sub-Regions Director-General
The Speech of the Director-General to NATO Conference on WMD Arms Control, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation Director-General
Closing Remarks to OPCW Day Director-General
Opening Remarks OPCW Day 2016: Chemical Safety and Security in a Technologically Evolving World Director-General
Remarks to Advisory Board on Education and Outreach Director-General
Statement at the Global Summit on Chemical Safety and Security (CHEMSS 2016) Deputy Director-General
Re-Arming Our Humanity: Contributions of Disarmament to Peace Director-General
Remarks at the Ceremony for Conferment of Légion d'Honneur (French) Director-General
Remarks by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the 17th Annual Meeting of National Authorities of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention Director-General
Remarks at the Closure of Shchuchye Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility, Kurganskaya Oblast, Russian Federation Deputy Director-General
Remarks by Ambassador Hamid Ali Rao, OPCW Deputy Director-General, on the Remembrance Armistice Day Deputy Director-General
Briefing to Non-Residential Permanent Representations delivered by Ambassador Hamid Ali Rao, OPCW Deputy Director-General Deputy Director-General
Remarks by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the Closing Ceremony of Maradykovsky Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility Director-General
Destruction and Beyond: New and Emerging Challenges for Chemical Disarmament – Speech by the Director-General at the 3rd International Symposium on Development of CBRN-Defence Capabilities Director-General
UNGA First Committee: Exchange with the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and other High-Level Officials “Increasing Capacities to Address Weapons of Mass Destruction” Deputy Director-General
Remarks by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the Closing Ceremony of the Associate Programme Director-General
Introductory Remarks delivered by Deputy Director-General OPCW at the Briefing on outcome and next steps of the Workshop on Ethical Guidelines for the Practice of Chemistry under the Norms of the CWC Deputy Director-General
Opening remarks by OPCW Director-General, Ahmet Üzümcü, at the Workshop on Guidelines for the Practice of Chemistry under the Norms of the CWC Director-General
Chemical Disarmament at the Crossroads: Past Successes and Future Challenges - Lecture to Institute for Political Studies of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa Director-General
Partnerships for Disarmament: Lessons from Chemical Weapons Disarmament: Speech to Institute of Chemical Technology Director-General
Reinforcing the Norm Against Chemical Weapons: Speech to Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses Director-General
Remarks by Director-General at University of Surrey Director-General
Keynote Speech at CTBT: Science and Technology 2015 Conference (SnT2015) Director-General
Wilton Park Event “100 years of Chemical Weapons and the Future of the OPCW” - Statement by the Director-General at the British Embassy, The Hague 15 June 2015 Director-General
Opening statement to the Twenty-Second Session of the OPCW’s Scientific Advisory Board delivered by the Deputy Director-General Deputy Director-General
“Towards a World Free of Chemical Weapons: Disarmament for the Next Generation” Lecture by OPCW Director-Genera Ahmet Üzümcül at Tsinghua University, China Director-General
Statement by the Director-General at the 18th International Chemical Weapons Demilitarisation Conference Director-General
Opening remarks by OPCW Director-General, Ahmet Üzümcü, at 13th Regional Meeting of National Authorities in Africa Director-General
Conférence du Directeur général de l'OIAC, Ahmet Üzümcü, à l’Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene (French) Director-General
Remarks by Director-General at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, 26 May 2015 Director-General
Opening Remarks at the 13th Annual Meeting of National Authorities in Asia Deputy Director-General
Statement by the Director-General at the Remembrance Day for the Victims of Chemical Warfare Director-General
Chemical Weapons: From Ypres to Aleppo - Statement by OPCW Deputy Director-General at the Royal Higher Institute for Defence in Belgium Deputy Director-General
From Proliferation to Prohibition: Taking Stock at a Century of Chemical Weapons, Ieper 22 April 2015 Deputy Director-General
OPCW Director-General Statement at Ieper Commemorative Gathering Director-General
Director-General's Justice Breyer Lecture at Brookings Institution Director-General
Commemoration of the 1988 Halabja Chemical Weapons Attack Director-General
A Disarmament for Peace: Nobel Peace Prize Forum Director-General
What Has Made the OPCW Successful - Director-General speech's at the Institute of International Relations, Prague 16 February 2015 Director-General
Director-General's speech at Kyoto University 12 February 2015 Director-General
Chemical Disarmament: The Syria Mission and Beyond Speech at Complutense University Madrid Director-General
Opening remarks by Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General at Sixteenth Annual Meeting of National Authorities Director-General
Director-General's Opening Address at the Vincent Award Director-General
Deputy Director-General briefing for non-residential Permanent Representatives to the OPCW Deputy Director-General
Director-General's Address at the Said Business School, University of Oxford 17 November 2014 Director-General
Keynote Speech at the Aula Magna, Havana University: Science in the Service of Humanity: The OPCW and Global Chemical Disarmament Director-General
Opening Remarks at the Regional Course on Medical Aspects of Assistance and Protection against Chemical Weapons for States Parties in the Latin America and Caribbean Region 20-23 October 2014, Havana, Republic of Cuba Director-General
Opening Address at the Education for Peace: New Pathways for Securing Chemical Disarmament conference Director-General
Director-General's speech at the opening event of Just Peace weekend Director-General
Director-General's Statement at the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, Brussels 4 September 2014 Director-General
Letter to the Pancretan Commission Against the Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons in the Enclosed Sea of the Mediterranean Sea Director-General
Opening Remarks by OPCW Deputy Director General at the European International Model United Nations (TEIMUN) 2014 Deputy Director-General
Opening Remarks by OPCW Deputy Director-General at the 12th Regional Meeting of National Authorities in Asia Deputy Director-General
Statement of the Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), Copenhagen, 25 June 2014 Director-General
Director-General's remarks at the Tenth Annual NATO Conference on WMD Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Director-General
Director-General's Address at the ACUNS Annual Meeting, Istanbul 19 June 2014 Director-General
Statement of the Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, at the opening session of the World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management Director-General
Keynote at ECSITE 2014: Communicating Science for Peace: the Chemical Disarmament Experience Director-General
Lecture by OPCW Director-General Belarusian State University Director-General
Director-General Statement at the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (ABIQUIM) Director-General
Remarks by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the Unveiling of Halabja Monument Director-General
Victim Remembrance Day Statement by Director-General OPCW Director-General
Conference Remarks by the Director-General at the Foreign Ministry in Uruguay Director-General
Opening statement at the Regional Meeting on Education in the Responsible Application of Knowledge of Dual-Use Chemicals Director-General
Towards a World Free of Chemical Weapons: The Role and Work of the OPCW on the Path to Global Disarmament - Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General OPCW Director-General
Statement by Ambassador Grace Asirwatham OPCW Deputy Director-General at The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) Deputy Director-General
Acceptance Speech by Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü at the University of Bologna Director-General
Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü Address to the Italian Parliament Director-General
Opening Remarks by Ambassador Grace Asirwatham, at the Kizner CWDF Opening Ceremony Deputy Director-General
The 2013 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture delivered by OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü Director-General
Opening Statement by the Director-General to the Conference of the States Parties at its Eighteenth Session Director-General
New Opportunities for Chemical Disarmament in the Middle East: Remarks at the Amman Security Colloquium Deputy Director-General
Director-General’s Statement at the 34th Meeting of the Executive Council Director-General
Deputy Director-General's Speech at the 60th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs Deputy Director-General
Thank You Letter From the Director-General Upon Winning the Nobel Peace Prize Director-General
Director-General's Statement at the Press Conference on 9 October 2013 Director-General
Speech at the Fortieth Anniversary of VERIFIN Director-General
Director-General’s Statement on Executive Council Decision on Destruction of Syria Chemical Weapons Director-General
Statement by Ambassador Grace Asirwatham OPCW Deputy Director-General at the Fourteenth Regional Meeting of National Authorities of States Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean Deputy Director-General
Address to the 2013 Chemical Weapons Demilitarisation Conference Director-General
Statement by the Director-General at the Remembrance Day for All Victims of Chemical Warfare Director-General
Director-General's Talking Points at the Opening of an Exhibition Marking the 15th Year of the OPCW Director-General
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Making Disarmament Happen Director-General
Knowledge Transfer, International Organisations and Global Education Director-General
Director-General's Address at the Seminar on the Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Safety and Security Management for Member States of the OPCW in the Asia Region Director-General
Deputy Director-General's Remarks at the Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction Deputy Director-General
Keynote Address to the Seventh Singapore International Symposium on Protection against Toxic Substances (SISPAT) Director-General