News: Russian Federation
- OPCW Marks Completion of Destruction of Russian Chemical Weapons Stockpile
- OPCW Deputy Director-General Visits Russia to Mark Closure of Kizner Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility
- OPCW Director-General Commends Major Milestone as Russia Completes Destruction of Chemical Weapons Stockpile under OPCW Verification
- Statement from the OPCW Spokesperson in Response to Media Inquiries About the Russian Federation’s Offer to Provide Samples and Other Material
- OPCW Executive Council Observes Chemical Weapons Destruction Progress at Kizner Facility in Russia
- OPCW Director-General and Russian Foreign Minister Hold Productive Talks on the Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention
- Training Workshop on the Best Practices to Develop the Responsible Care® Programmes for the Chemical Industry held in Russia
- OPCW Director-General Visits Russia to Mark Closure of Maradykovsky Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility