National Legislative Review Workshop


15 October – 31 December 2020

The online national legislative review aims to provide technical assistance and capacity building support to enable participating States Parties to present existing legislative and regulatory measures covering relevant initial measures and to identify potential gaps in existing legal frameworks. It will be part of the Secretariat’s ongoing efforts to continue to provide capacity-building support to States Parties despite the operational restrictions resulting from the pandemic.

This activity is for States Parties that have yet to adopt legislation covering all the initial measures. States parties that meet this condition will be invited to participate in the activity. The participating State Party will nominate its representatives who will participate in the online session, which should include a representative of the National Authority and a lawyer or legal officer from the government entity familiar with its legislative and regulatory framework on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). 


The objective of this activity is to: 

  • Enhance the understanding of States Parties on their national legislative and regulatory frameworks on the CWC
  • Assist States Parties in identifying gaps in their national legislative and regulatory framework on the CWC and in developing practical approaches to addressing these gaps
  • Enhance the quality of reporting by States Parties on the status of implementation of the CWC
  • Raise awareness among relevant national stakeholders on State Party obligations under the CWC
  • Provide country-specific advice to States Parties on issues relating to CWC implementation