Basic Course on Response to Chemical Attacks and Incidents with Toxic Industrial Chemicals for States Parties from the Latin America and Caribbean Region

Panama City, Panama

11 – 15 March 2019


This course will provide training for up to 20 participants in the basics of assistance and protection under Article X of the Convention, which encompasses the response to chemical warfare agents and incidents with toxic industrial chemicals. This course will be the starting activity of the 2019 Full Training Cycle for GRULAC States Parties. The second phase of the training will be an Advanced Course, which is scheduled to take place from 15 to 19 April 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the same group of selected participants. It will be jointly organised by the Government of Panama and the Technical Secretariat.


This course will offer an introduction to basic toxicology, the types and uses of individual protective equipment, reconnaissance, detection, and decontamination. It will cover elements related to risk assessment, prevention, and response to chemical emergencies. The course is also aimed at facilitating the exchange of information and fostering networking among the participants, with a view to enhancing the implementation of Article X of the Convention in the Latin America and Caribbean region.