The OPCW’s mission is to implement the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention to achieve our vision of a world free of chemical weapons and the threat of their use, and in which chemistry is used for peace, progress, and prosperity.

Policies and Programmes
The Technical Secretariat proposes policies for the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention to the Member States of the OPCW, and develops and delivers programmes with and for them.

Programme Aims
Credible and Transparent Regime
To ensure a credible and transparent regime for verifying the destruction of chemical weapons and to prevent their re-emergence, while protecting legitimate national security and proprietary interests.
Protection and Assistance
To provide protection and assistance against chemical weapons.
International Cooperation
To encourage international cooperation in peaceful uses of chemistry.
Universal Membership
To bring about universal membership of the OPCW by facilitating international cooperation and national capacity building.
Our Approach
Two fundamental principles underline our approach. The first is the centrality of the Convention’s multilateral character. The second is the equal application of the provisions of the Convention to all States Parties.
We do this with integrity, in an efficient, competent and cost-effective manner, and in a healthy working environment. Our work is guided and supported by the internal vision of our Organisation.

The OPCW's Aim
The ultimate aim of the OPCW is to achieve a world permanently free of chemical weapons and to contribute to international security and stability, general and complete disarmament, and global economic development.